

I am back in beautiful Wilmette, IL. Flight was fairly uneventful. I was lucky and got two seats to myself, which is always a joy. Just before I left I bought the new Madonna Album on itunes...I know...It just seems like every blog I was reading was obsessing over it...so I figured, why not? It is fun enough...and I can use it to work out to (whenever I start doing that again) and to walk to school (currently using Queer as Folk for that!). I guess I also need to fulfill my duty as a gay male to support Madonna...it seems that every other gay male is doing the same thing. I think tomorrow will be spent with Ellie! I will finally get to see her apartment!


philosophia said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

I have a not-so-secret confession: I think that Madonna's "Hung Up" is utterly amazing. At first, I wasn't sure if I liked it. Then, after maybe 7 or 8 repetitive listenings on Napster (like how they used to play Beethoven's symphonies complete, over and over back in 19th century Germany), I realized that it really is fabulous. :)

rabsteen said...

as i'm sure you already realize. i completely love this album. hung up is good but i think sorry is better.


sara ballance said...

i still don't own any Madonna albums Should this be my first?
Have a great vacation at home! (i miss you!!!!!)