
Wednesday Morning Library Blogging

I am trying to get a few new things in my "sidebar" at the right. Hopefully you will notice a new section of recent comments and at the bottom there should be an archive of previous posts by month. I can't seem to get each month to appear on a new line though, which kind of annoys me since every other list at the side has this feature. Does anybody have suggestions for new and exciting things to put up here? So, I have been a bit frustrated lately...as Brian can attest to (listening to very frustrated sounds coming out of my room when practicing...but one good that is that I am getting pretty good and the dive bombing sounds in Black Angels). The RPO audition is this coming Monday and I am not prepared at all. The thing is: I can't play off the string...or spiccato of any kind. This is really starting to worry me. I have tried to do everything that teachers have told me, and the stroke just doesn't happen. It is very toubling right now since I need to play Beethoven 8 and Mendelssohn 4 for the RPO audition (Mendelssohn is really becoming a problem) as well as playing principal in Phil with several spiccato solos in the Bancks and the entire Tchaikovsky 6th Symphony (which happens to all be spiccato). Ugh...But enough of me complaining. This has been kind of a nice week so far, and I expect it to keep being a nice week. Having now lesson really seems to clear everything up (even though it is only one hour out of the week) and I have all of this free time to practice. It is very nice having the luxery of a free evening to sit around and practice, then take in a movie or something. Last night, to relieve some of my frustration, me and Brian took in an episode of Twin Peaks (the fabulous TV show created and partially directed by David Lynch). Its fun to keep track of all of the relationships (both acceptable and affairs) as well as the drug running, prostitution, and sketchy dealings that go on in the small town. It seems that at every episode at least two people are connected in some way that you never expected. It really is a great show! Following the episode I continued to practice, got even more frustrated, and then we watched the second episode. Ran downstairs to Kitty's and accidentally interupted Matroyshka rehearsal to grad some DVDs and me and Brian watched Moonstruck. Of course, nothing compares to watching Moonstruck with Heather or Alison (who can both quote every great line at will) but it is always a joy to watch it. And even Brian liked it, and I would say that it is not really a Brian movie. Although, we were very very close to watching Mean Girls...which is easily my most watched DVD (and i have only had it for a few weeks). I put it back on the shelf before I had a chance to open the case. Today will make the 3rd CCE rehearsal in three days for me and Kitty...yesterday we had a sectional and just went through everything we have done up to this point: cleared up a few issues that had escaped us. I think those little sessions would be good to do...just break into two haves and go over things. Maybe we could do it in different combos...if we did it once a week for the next two weeks, every combo would get covered...well, its just an idea. Kimberly and Heather are going to work rock out on their 17 pages of 16th notes at dotted quarter=489. They should have fun with that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't seem to get each month to appear on a new line though, which kind of annoys me since every other list at the side has this feature. Does anybody have suggestions for new and exciting things to put up here?


Sorry I don't know how to help you on this blog software, but I do really like the "recent comments" idea!