
Tuxes are a creation of the Devil

Tuxes are really evil. I really hate them a lot...they are uncomfortable, and I think they look pretty ridiculous. And mine is also about 72 million times too big. One of the benefits of today's Philharmonia concert was that tuxes were not the dress-code...the guys were instructed to wear dark suits rather than the usual penguin costumes. I wore my suit that was given to me by my mom, from my grandfather, to wear at NYSOS last year. This is a very nice suit from Brooks Brothers. I was curious how much a suit like this costs and after some research at the Brooks Brothers Website I discovered that these suits start from $800...I had no idea! I think I will go hang it up now...I thought that the concert went well...actually very well. Its too bad there weren't more people there, it was kind of sad not seeing people after the concert. This week is a very good one...there is no Phil for me, since I'm not playing it in this rotation, and Musica Nova is only rehearsing the piece that I don't play in. So I have tons of time to practice for the recording I will be doing this weekend. Maybe it will actually go well? Erik Asgiersson (I have no idea how to spell that) said that he would do it for me, so that is very nice of him...I have heard that he does very good work and that his prices are very reasonable! Now I have to pin Tania down for some rehearsal time. I had nice chats with a few old friends tonight...the amazing Nora Kim told me about her plans to get the hell out of this country when she is done with school this year. I am very jealous. We both have the same problem of falling in love with new places...the grass is always greener on the other side I guess. Also had a nice chat with Ellie who wants me to join her for a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. I don't know if i will be able to handle running at 8am in the morning over break, so I didn't commit to anything. But it will be very nice to see her over break! And of course the David Lynch loving Ruth McAdams shared some words with me on the insanity of David Lynch. Apparently he has some new David Lynch Foundation, sounds kind of crazy...typical David Lynch...but she has a promotional DVD that we are going to watch over winter break. Tomorrow is orchestral rep with Kathy...should be fun! And I would like to point out a new feature on the sidebar...you can click on Spy On Music (under music obsessions) to look at what I've been listening to on my computer lately...its kind of cool, I think!

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