
Happy New Year

1. Happy New Year!!!!!! 2. Saw Brokeback Mountain and I can't even begin to explain the amazingness...you MUST MUST MUST see this movie because your life will be incomplete without it. It's probably the closest I've ever come to crying at a movie, and on a repeat viewing, I'm almost sure I would. I almost am now. The movie was a very slow two hours, but I could have easily watched five more hours of it...I would be happy if I was still in the theater watching it. Its that good. See it. Now. 3. Celebrated new years with Alison and Jonathan (and a bit with Ruth and Rachael) and a phone call from Kimberyee!!! And who can forget the Madonna Dance Party (minus the dancing). 4. Could this be the new form for leaving entries...what do you think? 5. More later. 6. Eastman students gossip waaaaaay too much. 7. Oh well...its fun.


Anonymous said...

did you seriously post that at 5:00 AM? anyway...i want to see brokeback mountain so bad! no one here in the southern baptist capital of the world will see it with me, so we should see it when we get back from break! and thanks for the new groups on facebook, i'm glad you made them...too bad i'm not in the army of skanks, but damian will have to do:)

philosophia said...

Happy New Year, beautiful! Sorry I've been MIA. I just caught up on all your fun entries. :)