
We Remember

Saw most of Fargo on TV with my parents. This movie is so amazing. I can think of very few movies that got everything as right as Fargo...perfect casting, perfect music, perfect camera work, perfect writing...no loose ends, no confusing plot twists...Absolutely astounding levels of acting (Frances McDormand creates one of the most lovable and fully realized characters in her very limited screen time that has ever been shot in a film). If you haven't seen Fargo so haven't lived. The bulk of my day was spent with friends and family (and many people I had never seen or met before, at least to my knowledge...and even one who reads this blog!!!) at the memorial service for my grandfather (inventor of powder cakes mix and powder cheese...translation: cheetos and Kraft Mac+Cheese). I had the usual responsibility of setting up all of the music...big surprise. Heather came down from Wisconsin and Julie drove up from some western location (I think) and we rocked out on gig music including an arrangement that I did of some Berlioz thing (my uncle picked it out!!). I thought the service was really nice, and I actually managed to play The Swan in tune, so in my book everything was a success. Lunch and my grandmothers new place...everybody thought it was really nice although I'm sure she will still say that its like living in a hotel (but who wouldn't want to do that?) Heather is rapidly becoming a regular fixture in Gerstein/Noznick family gatherings...she even took part in a tour of my grandmother's apartment. My grandmother starting taking her around explaining the significance of everything that she had hanging everywhere...I think the two of them really hit it off. My mom is already signing Heather up to play at the scattering of my grandfather's ashes over the summer (depending on whether or not I get into TMC I guess...no pressure, right?) preparations for lesson with N. Fischer are happening tomorrow...translation: TIME TO PRACTICE TONS SO I DON"T MAKE A FOOL OUT OF MYSELF IN TEXAS...

1 comment:

sara ballance said...

awesome new layout! and yes, you really will be fabulous in Texas. see you sooooon!