
OOC Semester

Had the first official meeting of The Cape Cod Experiment last night...things are going to be really crazy this semester. Luckily we seem to have 9:30-11:30 free on most Tuesdays and Thursdays, so it wasn't so hard to find rehearsal times as before...for those new music people out there our rep is very exciting this semester: 1) David Plylar: String Quartet (9 crazy movements featuring such techniques as left hand only, colored blobs to indicate bow pressure, a harmonic movement, a toneless movement, and a gliss movement) 2) Penderecki: String Quartet No. 2 (lots o' noise) 3) Crumb: Black Angels (electric string quartet, gongs, 32 tuned crystal glasses, and random phrases shouted in German and Vietnamese) And you are all required to attend each and every concert.

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