
Short is Good.

So I finally decided to let In Cold Blood go. I've been trying to get through it for several months now (after seeing Capote), and I love it, but its just not happening for some reason. I read one page really intensely and am really into it, and then I just put it down and don't touch it for weeks. In light of this I have recently purchased the following books on Amazon.
  1. The Bullfighter Checks Her Makeup: My Encounters with Extraordinary People by Susan Orlean
  2. My Kind of Place: Travel Stories from a Woman Who's Been Everywhere by Susan Orlean
  3. Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx
You may notice a running theme in these books: they all are short, or consist of short stories/articles For some reason I can only deal with things that are short these days (short episodes of Sex and the City for example). This is not a good thing since I have to do a presentation on Robert Altman on Thursday (since his films are very LONG). Ugh. PS> I just walked to Blockbuster and they didn't have a single movie directed by Robert Altman...what gives?

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