
I'm a musician too

Youth Orchestra of the Americas audition went MUCH better than I expected...tension was MUCH better at the audition than when I practiced. All the excerpts were acceptable and definietly NOT perfect so we will see how it turns out. I didn't do the application and the woman handed me one and was like "you can turn it in later today." Much to my surprise there was an ESSAY...ugh...just dashed that one off in about 5 minutes...oops... And I totally offended the lady...at the end of the audition I commented that I had never done an audition only for a camera before...her response: "I'm a musician too!" Its time for NYC! Wish me luck at Tanglewood!


shirleymirley said...

ooo electronica! what time is your friend's recital on the 17th? I'll be flying out late that night so I might not be able to see it if it's an evening recital. I asked my p-town homie Sara if I could stay with her since I remembered your roommate seemed less than pleased about guests taking over his living room... oops. let's make sure to find each other to at least say hi or drink some coffee or shoot the shit or whatever! maybe i can snoop around at orchestra repertoire class or something .. . let me know if there's anything else worth checking out on the 16th or 17th!

Anonymous said...

I am glad your audition went well!!