
Please be over...

Sooooooooooooo scared and stressed right now...I have been working on the linguistics final since 10am and I haven't really finished any of it...everytime I read a question I just move to the next one because I don't know how to do it...but the problem is, I got to the end of the test and there were no more questions to skip...I also have no confidence in my work, so when I do a question, I don't have the faintest idea if I am even ansewring in the correct manner...and Anton isn't even here to help me...would it be out of line to ask Sara? (since it is a final...) Have a lesson in 10 mins also...that should be interesting...I'm sure it will just make me feel terrible about myself, like they usually do. Stupid party, wish it wasn't happening.


Anonymous said...

I felt that way about my linear algebra final too -- in fact, of the five proofs we had to write, I only did four! I tried my best and I think got them -- but oh, it would have been so much easier if Janet Wightman had been able to help me on the final!!

sara ballance said...

just ask me... and i'm not in the mood to party either, so ...
wait, i'm just going to call you.

Anonymous said...

You're scared...but will you be scared straight???
