
The Perfect Movie?

I took my first trip to the Little Theatre in a very long time...and I must admit I did miss the absence. For a while I was at the theater every Sunday night seeing such a large number of movies I couldn't keep track...but when you can go for free on Sunday, whats the point of not going?? Alas, they changed the the free Sundays to 12 free movies a year...hardly the same deal...but I'll still take it. I used my first free trip on the Constant Gardener (which I did not like one bit...) but I'm proud to say that my latest trip was well worth the free admission. Since Heather is so in love with Pride and Prejudice, she dragged me and Mary to the showing tonight...and I must say it was amazing! While I can't say that the story is one of my favorites, it really is hard not to admire the movie from every other standpoint possible. I love the opening camera work, moving freely throughout the house, always making sure to frame the shot beautifully, accompanied by a very nice score (mostly solo piano). The movie, at two hours, flew by...I never once had the urge to look at a clock. The acting wasn't 'knock-out' but I can't say that there was one bad performance, and the writing was first-rate. So, how did they do it? How did they take a story that I have basically no interest in and make it into such an amazing movie for me? I was skeptical at first, reading all of the reviews praising the film, but now I see why...its just so solid on every level. Even if you don't like the story, how can you not admire it? This is becoming the year of movies that I really don't want to like, but end up loving...Philip Seymour Hoffman in Caopte=wanted to hate but loved, and now Pride and Prejudice. Thank you to Heather for making me go!! Pride and Prejudice is HIGHLY recommended!!!! PS: You have to love the shot of Kiera Knightly on the edge of the cliff with her dress billowing out. I heart over dramatic glory shots that serve no real purpose in the movie.

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