
No. 1 Reason I am a Horrible Person

This chair was recently stolen from a practice room at the Annex of the Eastman School of Music. This chair was stolen by me. This chair now resides in my room at my apartment on Windsor Street. This means that I am a horrible person. Many people that I know...Including my roommate...Went through much trouble to get the school to furnish the practice rooms with these chairs...And now one is being used to furnish my apartment. But in good news...It makes practicing much better. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment...In other words how the hell am I going to learn all of this music and get into grad school? I have no idea how to prioritize everything, because everything seems like it should be the most important. Omg...I really want it to be summer right now, and for all of this to be over. Or maybe mid-march would be acceptable. Anyways...why do I feel like everybody looks down on me in orchestral rep...its like, "look at David try, isn't it cute?" Actually, I feel like that in most everything...but this doesn't need to become one of those depressing entries that I was famous for last year...although I feel a new batch coming on in the coming weeks. Music I need to learn:


Anonymous said...

Dude . . . we all suck at orchestral rep. I'm just as bad at it, hell on some stuff you impress everyone . . . Don Juan, anyone? So you have trouble with certain excerpts . . . welcome to life.

philosophia said...

You're a rock star! You'll learn all the music; I know it. :)