
Six Feet-Gma-Sherry-Katz

Just finished watching three episdoes of six feet under with jeffrey. The fourth season is officially out of control (OOC!!). How many TV shows have calls from dead people accusing others for burying them alive, reincarnated loved ones as dogs, fices gift baskets, and crazy late night drug hijackings in the span of three episodes? Its crazy, but it is soooo entertaining. I just got an email from my dad saying that my grandmother has appendicides...I wonder why he didn't call me? Guess it cant be too bad...although it does worry me a bit since she is in her 80's...a bit late to get an appendix removed, isn't it? I guess she is having surgery now...I will call tomorrow morning. Practicing is strange...I seem to make progress on the Ligeti, and then one second later I will not be able to play it. I think the secret is to keep practicing it on a regular basis...I guess this is obvious to some, but something I need to enforce on myself. Got an email from Laura with Fred Sherry's number, so now I can call and hopefully schedule a lesson over fall break, then I can go ahead with making plans! And I can also add another famous muscian's number to my cell phone contact list...that's the real reason I wanted to get the number. I also found out that I will most likely be playing for Paul Katz on Tuesday, so I need to work on Dvorak a lot until then...first impressions are always important and I don't want to sound like a doofus. I think that I will also have to miss linguistics on tuesday to have the lesson...but I think that this lesson is more important then a lecture anyway...hopefully Anton will still go so I can get notes and stuff from him, but he is also having a lesson with Katz the same day, so he may be practicing. And now I should go to sleep since I am going to try to go to the Y at 7:15 tomorrow before our first orchestral rep class. And Phil just sent me an email...strange.

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