
Movie Slump over

I broke my movie slump today with the viewing of the spectacualr movie: Maelstrom. I haven't seen anything quite so refreshing in a while. It is a French-Canadian movie telling the story of a woman dealing with guilt after and abortion. She runs over a man with her car, and the movie eventually turns into a romance!!! And to top it all off, it is narrated by a series of fish getting chopped up by a man in a strange constume. The acting is amazing (Marie Jose Croze) and the script is also great. You relly must see it if you get a chance!!! Also tonight, me and Brian and Arthur watched Donnie Darko. Not nearly as strong a movie, but still interesting. Its a mystifiying exploartion of coexisting time...time travel etc...Loved the acting/casting, although the script wasn't terribly strong. The movie seemed to drag on from time to time...maybe it is a bit more concise in the non-director's cut...they usually are. There is a reason that that stuff is cut out!! Maelstrom: 100% Donnie Darko: 80%

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you are not experiencing guilt after your aborted comment attempt on my site.