
Bad Hair

I haven't seen some people in quite some time...such as the lovely Sara Ballance and the tempting Marisol Taub...perhaps I will see them this weekend! Last night I went to the computer lab to sit in front of ebay to ensure I won my item...which I did!! We will have to have a Twin Peaks Pilot viewing sometime in the near future...I'm sure you will all love it. Ended up taking to Heather all evening, and then going up to C house for a little visit to the old hall! Came back to the apartment to find Arthur and Brian watching Clerks, The Animated Series. The whole series is only 6 episodes and Brian has watched all of them multiple times in the past week and a half...but it is pretty entertaining. I got my haircut this morning and I am not very happy with it...the girl was like, "We can't cut off too much." And before I realize it, my hair is super short. She was like, "I love your curls!!" and then she cut it so short that it doesn't really curl any more...hmmm...I guess it will grow back...we'll see what I can do with it tomorrow morning...ugh. They posted the orchestra seating and the cello principals are the same as freshman year!!!! Its like a mini reunion. First concert I'm sitting next to Carrie, and Sunny and Brian are first stand...its going to be such a party! Also, all of CCE, except Heather, is doing double rotation, I think. Should be very interesting putting in all this time for orchestra while finding time to rehearse!!!! This semester is crazy already...ugh...ugh...ugh...we have CCE rehearsal in a few mins, so I should go!


Anonymous said...

i will see you in one hour!! but only for a few minutes. hope we can do something this weekend!


Anonymous said...

oh, and why is it such a production to leave a note on your blog now?!