
Good Things:

  1. Both Sara and I have been invited to join the Ossia Board for next year. This makes me VERY happy since I have been playing in the ensemble for about 3 years now (almost every single concert). We have both already decided its going to be OOC.
  2. CCE won the chamber music award (that will be presented at graduation). We share it along with Matroyshka4 and BeanLiccardoZerweck3. We get $50 each, but they announce it at graduation, so I know my parents will be ecstatic...which makes it more than worth it for me.
  3. I'm kind of looking forward to coming back next year. Weird I know.
  4. CCE concert posters featuring Cher...look around tomorrow, you'll see.
  5. Public Enemy=Night of the Living Baseheads. Look for it on iTunes and buy it. You'll be just as obsessed as me.

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