
Home and Cold

I am back home in Chicago right now. Its 37 degrees right now...which isn't too cold for Chicago, but it is pretty cold for me! The thing that surprises me every time I come home is at night when I brush my teeth, the water is sooooo freezing out of the tap. For some reason in my building in Houston, the water never gets very cold, the coldest it gets is a few degrees under room temperature, which really disturbed me at first, but after a year and a half I got used to it. Now I freeze my mouth whenever I brush my teeth while I'm at home. One benefit is that I don't usually need to put ice in my water. I'm not really sure where that came from. Maybe because I just brushed my teeth.

I really wanted to watch the final disc of Season 2 of Big Love tonight, but my neighborhood Blockbuster didn't have it in! I asked the guy if someone had recently returned it and he said, "Yes! I just saw it!!" and then he went back to get it, and turned around and said, "sorry...its actually something else." I was very sad. I rented Ellie Parker for the 3rd time (I've rented it twice before and never watched it...3rd times the charm right?) I haven't watched it yet...oops.


jamiebartonmezzo said...

Hey!! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope home is great!!


Anonymous said...

Happy holidays to YOU TOO, gerstein!!! Here in Philadelphia, it is ridiculously warm. Katharine and I are going to DENVER in a few days! We will hopefully see MARY.

Heather said...

37? As in THREE-SEVEN??? Whats wrong with you?? They might actually have to break ice this year for the Lake Michigan Polar Bear dip that YOU ARE MISSING. This means I'm having second thoughts myself.....