
More Teaching

So it looks like I'll be adding another school to my teaching roster...I drove down to La Porte this morning (at 8am) to meet with the orchestra director at the Baker 6th Grade Campus...they need a second cello teacher because they have 24 cello students there! (apparently the school district supplies students with a cello at school and a cello to take home!) I can teach during the day there (and possibly at the junior high down the street) which means that I probably don't have to apply to Starbucks...

Now its back to learning the 2nd Carter Figment in time for my lesson...its getting harder every time I play it, which probably isn't a good sign that I'm practicing it right...I should just slow it down...but the first figment is starting to go really well. Guess I should start dragging out the Sonata...

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