Here I am...volunteering today. I'm sitting at the volunteer desk at the AIDS Foundation until one, and then I'm playing at the Children's Hospital from 2-3. How did I suddenly end up with all this volunteer work? Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I'm very happy to have something to fill up my day...for whatever reason it motivates me to do more...for instance, this morning I started working on my taxes...but when it got into school tuition and scholarship and interest, I got brain freeze and saved it to come back to later.
This morning I tried to pretend I was living in a real city, and decided to walk to Starbucks and get my latte...unfortunately, Starbucks is about 7 blocks (14 round trip) out of the way from where I was I had to leave 45 minutes earlier than I wanted to. But believe it or not, I saw somebody reading the New York Times in there...not a very common site here in Arkansas.
Also, please note my very cute piano tie shirt. Thank you. I'm wearing it for the first time today.
Children's Hospital in Little Rock is right by a major freeway or highway, right? I have memories of driving by it, during one of the many many trips my family took to LIttle Rock for violin lessons/youth orchestra. Crazy.
PS I love the shirt.
Shirt noted. Like it with the bold blue jacket!
@Heather...yes ACH is right on your way into (or out of) downtown LR
@Mary...I bought that jacket over a year ago, and it has been a staple of my wardrobe ever since!
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